6 Tips For Growing A Thicker, Fuller Beard
Biology determines whether you’ll be able to grow a full, thick beard. However, many men have the beard hair follicles present but don’t see any growth or have patchy spots due to the beard hair follicles not growing. Beard hair follicles can be dead, dormant and/or malnourished. Stimulating these follicles can help you grow the beard of your dreams. Here are 6 ways to help grow a thicker beard!
Eating a balanced diet will help with your beard growth and hair follicle health. Just like our head hair, our beard hair depends heavily on vitamins and nutrients like biotin and collagen for growth. If you aren't getting enough naturally through your diet consider taking a beard growth vitamin.
Growing a beard means that you must get your blood pumping. All the vitamins, fats, and proteins that have been added to your diet have to get to your skin and hair follicles through your blood. Good circulation from intensive workouts, those that get your heart pumping, will aid in getting the needed nutrients to your beard.
A derma roller is a micro needle device that can help with beard and other hair growth. These devices are used to reduce wrinkles and acne scars as well. How does the derma roller work? When used on the desired area it tricks your brain into thinking the area is injured. This triggers additional blood flow. This process used over time helps repair the skin and hair follicles and allows them to absorb the vitamins and nutrients they need to grow.
Not getting enough sleep will slow down the rate of your beard growth. Be sure to get plenty of sleep each night to help your beard grow faster.
Using a beard oil or beard serum that is rich in vitamins will help your beard hair and hair follicles lock in vitamins for growth. Dry and brittle beards grow slower.
Excessive stress causes both beard and hair follicles to fall out. Reducing unnecessary stress isn’t only healthy for your beard and hair, its good for your whole body and mind. There are simple ways that may help reduce stress like, meditating for a few minutes each day, doing breathing exercises, taking a short walk, or turning your phone off for a few hours.